What is a laser?

   Laser is a laser generation device, mainly by the pump source, gain medium, resonant cavity and other components. The pump source is the excitation source of the laser, the resonant cavity is the circuit between the pump source and the gain medium, and the gain medium refers to the working substance that can amplify the light. In the working state gain medium by absorbing the energy provided by the pump source, the resonant cavity oscillation mode selection output laser.

Laser is the core component of laser processing equipment, and has a pivotal position in the cost composition of laser processing equipment. Lasers can be divided into many types according to the working material, output band and output type.

Lasers can be divided into solid-state lasers (ruby Al2O3, yttrium aluminum garnet lasers), liquid lasers (dye lasers), gas lasers (helium-neon lasers, argon ion lasers, etc.), semiconductor lasers, fiber lasers, free-electron lasers. According to the output band can be divided into far-infrared lasers, mid-infrared lasers, near-infrared lasers, visible lasers, near-ultraviolet lasers, vacuum ultraviolet lasers. According to the output type can be divided into: continuous wave lasers, quasi-continuous lasers, short pulse lasers, ultrashort pulse lasers.